Revit only – The price of subscription for a Revit only license is $280 (£219.62) per month.There is also is a restricted free version for students. There is the regular package which comes with complete software, and the collection package which comes together with other CAD software in addition. The Revit cost varies across different packages and chosen subscription period. The procurement of Revit 2019 is by licence subscription.

Remote access – While operating a Mac, Revit can be used on a remote Windows system, using remote access software.Virtual machine – Using parallels and virtual machine ware, a virtual hardware environment that would be suitable for Windows installations can be created.This is technically still running the software on Windows OS.

#Will autodesk release revit for mac for mac#
Sadly, an Autodesk version of Revit for Mac users is still unavailable. Based on the intensity and complexity of use, there are three different sets of basic requirements for running Revit on windows. Like its predecessors, the 2019 version is only compatible with the Windows operating system.